Knocked Loose’s new album ‘You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To’ crashes the Billboard 200 at #23

Forming just over a decade ago, Knocked Loose’s popularity has continued to skyrocket over the years – well, first a steady climb, and then their momentum became nigh unstoppable. You can attribute it to many things – not compromising or diluting their sound for greater commercial acceptance, a strong work ethic, touring with anyone and everyone, and purposely having a wide-ranging fanbase are all reasons for their success, but it would be nothing without the music overall.

The band’s new album, You Won’t Go Before You’re Supposed To was one of 2024’s most-anticipated – and it didn’t let fans down in either the quality department or the growth department. In fact, thanks to viral songs like “Slaughterhouse 2” and “Blinding Faith”, YWGBYST debuted at #23 on the Billboard 200, a stunning achievement for a band this heavy. Really impressive stuff, if we’re being honest.

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