WWF In Your House 11 “Buried Alive” (10.20.1996) (Wrestling Review)


In Your House 11 “Buried Alive”

Indianapolis, Indiana

Oct. 20th, 1996


Singles Match
Hunter Hearst Helmsley vs. Steve Austin

This was a good match from 2 guys early on that would become legends. Last few minutes is where it really peaked but there was some good action here. 

3 / 5

WWF World Tag Team Title Match
Owen Hart & The British Bulldog (w/Clarence Mason) (c) vs. The Smoking Gunns (Bart Gunn & Billy Gunn)

A standard tag match and nothing special really. 

2.5 / 5

WWF Intercontinental Title Match
Marc Mero (w/Sable) (c) vs. Goldust (w/Marlena)

A shockingly good match here. Golddust looked like he might take the win a few times and the crowd was really behind this. 

3.5 / 5

WWF World Heavyweight Title #1 Contendership Match
Vader (w/Jim Cornette) vs. Sycho Sid

Sid wasn’t really the best guy especially against someone big and Vader tried his best to save this one. 

2 / 5

Buried Alive Match
Mankind (w/Paul Bearer) vs. The Undertaker

A great match between two guys that worked together flawlessly. A lot of drama and build up here making a good brawl with some weapons used. Both guys took some good spots too and the crowd was behind this was heavily. 

4 / 5


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