London, England
March 31st, 2022
A decent match with an awful ending. Crowd wasn’t into it and I though Amale was looking really good here. Otherwise it was a solid match.
2 / 5
A fun back and forth between Trent and Smith. Trent has gone full heel here and its building up between him and Bate to see where it heads or if it spilts. The cheating win helps Trent and Smith put up a solid fight with some close calls.
3 / 5
The match was quick and nothing special. The count out finish was different but the match building up for that to happen just was lackluster.
1.5 / 5
A solid match here with Dar winning by cheating. The constant cheating and interference here became a bit much as it didn’t add a lot but this was a solid match for the cup. Good back and forth and close calls.
2.5 / 5