The Color Morale return from lengthy hiatus for live performance, working on new music

Before their hiatus in 2018, The Color Morale were one of the more notable bands post-hardcore // metalcore had to offer. While obviously not the first band to tackle subjects of mental health and disorders of that nature, these topics were central to the identity of the band to be sure. Through the course of five full-length albums, they continually grew in stature, with their Know Hope and We All Have Demons albums being particularly acclaimed.

After a 5 year hiatus, though, the band has emerged back to life with two announcements. One, that they’ll be performing at Blue Ridge Rock Festival in September. Two, the band is working on new music, their first since 2016. While it’s unknown as to when new music from the band might actually get released, it’s good news for any fan of the band, as they clearly have more to say. Stay tuned.

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