The Black Dahlia Murder vocalist Trevor Strnad was a true champion of underground metal bands

For musicians, especially those with a platform and a legion of impressionable fans, it’s as much about the music you create as it is what you do with said platform. Not every musician also happens to be a scientist or even has expertise in other fields outside of their line of work, but for any musician fortunate enough to have many fans, even the simple act of talking about a lesser-known band they love can have huge, huge results. In fact, it can reverberate throughout the entire scene.

The Black Dahlia Murder vocalist Trevor Strnad was one such person with that kind of platform. He was a true champion of the underground. Trevor always made it a point to give a platform to those most might not have heard of, and it’s definitely something that other musicians should take note of.

Just one cursory look at his Twitter feed alone spoke volumes about his constant promotion of the music he loved. Of course, it wasn’t only newer bands he was passionate about. Strnad was just as interested in talking about legendary metal bands he revered, like Vader and Carcass, just to name a couple.

But it was his constant and continued support of bands that have become household names – or underground favorites – that was a particular reason Trevor will be remembered forever. That’s not including his obvious vocal talent, for which he was most known, but Strnad proved that it really is about what you do with the platform you’re given. Considering it’s impossible to find an unkind word said about him anywhere, Trevor Strnad will always be known as a beloved performer that gave 110% on every single night.

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