Bad Blood (featuring Scott Vogel of Terror) shares band’s first single, “Apology Denied”

Bad Blood is going to be the newest force in hardcore. The supergroup featuring Scott Vogel of Terror, Eric Ellman (They Live, Violent Way) and Mason Hutchins (Violent Way), bassist Greg Vinal (Exhibition) and drummer Nick Terlecky (Violent Way) have dropped their first single “Apology Denied”. The straight in your face hardcore will have old-school…

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Hollywood Vampires (Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp, Joe Perry) announce “Live In Rio” album + share “I Got A Line On You” live video

Hollywood Vampires, the supergroup featuring Alice Cooper / Johnny Depp / Joe Perry (of Aerosmith), have announced their first live album. “Live In Rio” saw the band play in 2015 to over 100,000 people in the bands first year together touring. The album will be out June 2nd and the band has dropped their first…

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