Opulent Construct is an undiscovered gem in the metal genre, set to release new music in near future!

Starting off with their strong release of their song “The Fall of Zenith” a little unknown deathcore group in the heart of Texas was emerging. The group goes by the name of Opulent Construct and are one of metal’s undiscovered gems. Opulent Construct conjures a sci-fi atmosphere complimented by a formulated groove that’s truly unique to the group. Building off atmosphere within their song Opulent Construct project complex songwriting, and well put together vocals. Opulent Construct released their first collective effort as an EP titled “Soon They Will Surface” which continued to improve on their established sound. Opulent Construct is currently working away behind the scenes at their upcoming new material that we should be able to hear soon. Opulent Construct’s latest release “Leviathan” really started to show us that the group is starting to find their core sound, and are working to something truly special. A unique one of a kind group that deserves a listen.

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