NJPW Battle In The Valley 2024 (Wrestling Review)


Battle In The Valley

San Jose, California

Jan. 13th, 2024


Six Man Tag Team Match
Fred Rosser, Jacob Fatu & Shota Umino vs. Team Filthy (Jorel Nelson, Royce Isaacs & Tom Lawlor)

This was a fine opener. Everyone got their time and I continue to enjoy Rosser in NJPW Strong. 

3 / 5

Tag Team Match
Rocky Romero & Soberano Jr. vs. Mascara Dorada & Volador Jr.

A solid match and everyone here did good. It just never picked up or felt truly exciting. 

2.5 / 5

Non Title Match
TJP vs. David Finlay

TJP looked good here as did Finley. Solid action overall. 

3 / 5

NJPW STRONG Openweight Tag Team Title Match
Guerrillas Of Destiny (El Phantasmo & Hikuleo) (c) vs. BULLET CLUB War Dogs (Alex Coughlin & Clark Connors)

Bullet Club War Dogs continue to be a hit for me. Solid action here even if the pacing wasn’t all here and some stuff looked sloppy. 

2.75 / 5

NJPW STRONG Women’s Title Match
Giulia (c) vs. Trish Adora

Guilia really is a star and will easily succeed elsewhere, in WWE, which is where they were alluding to being her future. Adora looked great here as well though and this was a great showcase match for her.

3.5 / 5

Tag Team Match
The Chosen Bros (Jeff Cobb & Matt Riddle) vs. TMDK (Bad Dude Tito & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Riddles return to NJPW match and returning to team with Cobb. A good action packed match which was all just for Riddle to get to come back to show off some. 

3.5 / 5

AEW Continental Title / NJPW STRONG Openweight Title / ROH World Title Match
Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Gabe Kidd

A double count out so neither guy has to lose here works thankfully due to both guys style even if the crowd hated it. This was more of a brawl than anything.

2.5 / 5

No Disqualification Match
Shingo Takagi vs. Jon Moxley

A bloody violent brawl here with Moxley and Shingo. This felt like a heated feud that neither guy wanted to lose and fought to the end. A lot of blood and big spots made this feel like a big time match. 

4.5 / 5

Singles Match
Kazuchika Okada vs. Will Ospreay

Is this their best match, no. Okada and Ospreay still know how to put on classics though in their sleep. Some amazing moves and counters here and it told a good story with both guys using the others moves to try to get a win. Will losing made since because he’s out of NJPW now as well. 

4.5 / 5

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