Let’s Talk Wrestling : AEW Rampage – Episode 21 “Holiday Bash” (12.25.2021) (Review)



Greensboro, NC

Dec. 25th, 2021



Singles Match
Jungle Boy (w/Christian Cage & Luchasaurus) vs. Isiah Kassidy (w/Jora Johl, Marq Quen & Matt Hardy)

A solid opening match. It was good to see Kassidy get a singles match because it showed he has potential as a singles wrestler and can do it. Jungle Boy is fighting through an injury (be it a work or not) and uses that as a story component for the match. As always you knew the ending on who would win here but it was actually a pretty good match. 

3.5 / 5

Singles Match
Bear Bronson vs. Hook

HOOKs second match and now against a guy much larger. Hook still looks so much better than you’d expect from a guy with his experience. His size here works and he made it look somewhat realistic with how he would takedown Bear. This was a smart choice for his second match. 

3 / 5

Singles Match
Kris Statlander (w/Orange Cassidy) vs. Leyla Hirsch

Hirsch looked really good here and showed some of the potential we could see from her. Statlander here was a smart choice as she’s always solid in the ring. The match was pretty typical and they at least got more than 4 minutes to wrestle. 

2.5 / 5

AEW TNT Title Match
Sammy Guevara (c) vs. Cody Rhodes (w/Arn Anderson)

For all the hate he gets Cody always is constantly good in ring and shows it here. Sammy looked great too using everything he knew about Cody and his work to try and retain his belt. Some great spots and moments, solid back and forth, and this continues Cody slowly inching towards being an actual heel instead of just being hated by the crowd. 

4 / 5

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