IWS Vs GCW – UnFnSanctioned (03.11.2023) (Wrestling Review)



Montreal, Candada

March 11th, 2023


Tag Team Match
East West Express (Jordan Oliver & Nick Wayne) vs. Fresh Air (Junior Benito & Macrae Martin)

A decent opening match. Some good spots here but Nick Wayne really needs to make it look like his hits actually connect with some force. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
LuFisto vs. Sawyer Wreck

A brawl that was decent but just sluggish. Never felt fast paced at all or terribly exciting. 

2 / 5 

Tag Team Match
Le Tabarnak de Team (Mathieu St-Jacques & Thomas Dubois) vs. Los Macizos (Ciclope & Miedo Extremo)

A fun brawl that actually had a shocking ending. Didn’t expect Los Macizos to lose here. Nothing truly special here but a competent brawl none the less. 

2.75 / 5

Beer Bash Match
Matt Falco vs. 1 Called Manders

Another brawl that just was never fun. It dragged on at just over 10 minutes and wasn’t really good or memorable. 

1 / 5

Singles Match
Gringo Loco vs. Mike Bailey

Great match as expected. Bailey performs and pulls off some moves so randomly and effortless that its just great and Loco is good too as always. Issue here were some spots looking a bit goofy due to the amount of time someone would stand there to set them up for it so they could do it. 

3.5 / 5

IWS Women’s Title Match
Melanie Havok (c) vs. Allie Katch

Having this for the belt was dumb given Allie wasn’t taking the belt. This was a fine match though really. Not bad at all and had its moments but given we knew Havoc was retaining it took some edge off of it. 

2.5 / 5

IWS World Heavyweight Title Match
Benjamin Tull (c) vs. Tony Deppen

Same deal as last match, don’t have this for a belt. This was good when the flow was going. It had too many stop and go moments though that killed any pacing the match had going for it. 

2.5 / 5

Fans Bring The Weapons Six Man Tag Team Match
Green Phantom, PCP Crazy F’N Manny & Sexxxy Eddy vs. Mance Warner, Nick Gage & Rina Yamashita

A fun 6 man death match. Gage and PCP took some crazy spots and Manny took a light tube bundle to the ear to where he bled like a horror movie. Everyone got some spots in and bled but PCP and Gage came off like the focus of the match. Good bloody death match to close the show. 

4 / 5

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