Johnny Crowder (Dark Sermon) Opens Up About Overcoming The Social Stigma Of Mental Health Issues

Mental health issues have never not been of paramount importance, but many of these problems are just recently coming to light – depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, etc. As someone who struggles with some of these things myself, I can empathize. Vocalist Johnny Crowder of Dark Sermon (who recently released their sophomore album, The Oracle) battles…

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The Vault: Why Saosin’s debut EP, “Translating The Name”, remains one of post-hardcore’s finest

Revisiting an older but familiar album is an exercise in excitement, if not sometimes futility. You’re essentially listening to something you’ve probably heard over and over again – you eventually wonder, “Will it hold up?” “Do I still love the songs as much as I used to, or is it just nostalgic feelings for my…

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