XPW – Killafornia 2 (04.22.2023) (Wrestling Review)


Killafornia 2

Pomona, California

April 22nd, 2023


King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Barbed Wire Madness Death Match
Terex vs. Shane Mercer

Few spots but it was a 4 minute filler opening match. 

1.5 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Best Two Out Of Three Log Cabins Death Match
Drake Younger vs. Dirty Ron

The entrances and talking almost lasted as long as this boring match. 

1 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
Aeroboy vs. The Body

Decent deathmatch. The Body is over with the crowd for his stupid spot in another PPV. At least this was a legit match and not a 4 minute bout. 

2 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
Eric Ryan vs. Ludark Shaitan

 Decent death match here. Eric Ryan bled a ton. Hated the finish here as it felt anticlimactic. 

2 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
Becky Hate vs. The Body

This match took forever. A few mediocre spots that didn’t deliver but this was boring. 

1 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
Big Joe vs. JD Horror

A decent match here. Joe is great and there was some blood and good spots. Final move though didn’t connect at all though. 

2 / 5

Non Title King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
MASADA vs. Judge Joe Dred

Judge Joe held the match together here. He bled a ton and took some great spots. Masada sucks to watch anymore. 

2.5 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 First Round Death Match
Hardcore Hillbilly (w/Jasmin St. Claire) vs. Lou Nixon

This was fine. A few spots, some blood, the least offensively bland match yet. The kenzans were extreme though. 

2 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 Second Round Lighttubes of Death Match
Shane Mercer vs. The Body

This was fine for the spots but dragged in between. Mostly just Mercer throwing The Body around. 

2 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 Second Round Death Match
Drake Younger vs. Eric Ryan

Good match here with Drake and Eric Ryan. Ryan took a few nasty looking moves and bled a ton. 

3 / 5

King Of The Death Match 2023 Second Round Death Match
Big Joe vs. Aeroboy

Another solid match between two guys. Shocked to see Aero continue on but this was good. Just lacked anything that had the wow factor. 

2.75 / 5

Non Title King Of The Death Match 2023 Second Round Death Match
MASADA vs. Lou Nixon

A solid match here. The end spot was brutal being dropped straight on top of the barbed wire ropes. 

3 / 5

Non Title King Of The Death Match 2023 Final Death Match
MASADA vs. Drake Younger vs. Aeroboy vs. Shane Mercer

 Masada blowing fire ringside with people on the barrier is just stupidly unsafe. He then lit himself on fire by mistake and since XPW didn’t prepare for the spot enough runs around ringside for a few seconds because he puts himself out since there was no water or an extinguisher ready. This stuff is the reason Deathmatch is looked down on by so many and why some cities / states / venues won’t touch or allow it. The match was fine. Props to everyone because a deathmatch tournament and several matches is no easy feat. A lot of good spots and blood shed here just bogged down by a horrible spot. 

3 / 5

XPW King Of The Death Matches Title No Ropes Ladder Death Match
SHLAK (c) vs. Drake Younger

This was a fine match. Drake has been through a lot so I didn’t expect much. A lot of brawling then the big final spot which was cool. This felt like such a waste though to have two rings here and it was only used for one match then brief spots otherwise. 

2.5 / 5

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