WWE NXT Level Up – Episode 71 (06.23.2023) (Wrestling Review)


Level Up

Orlando, Florida

June 23rd, 2023


Singles Match
Channing Lorenzo vs. Kale Dixon

Both guys looked good and it was a decent match. The finisher, while nothing new, has such a cool name being named “Cement Shoes”.

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Tavion Heights vs. Luca Crusifino

Nothing really good at all. Crowd wasn’t into it much and Luca isn’t good. Tavion might have potential but I’m not seeing it yet. 

1 / 5

Singles Match
Jacy Jayne vs. Ivy Nile

Ivy never loses on Level Up and Jacy has nothing to gain from this. Ending didn’t work well and it just wasn’t good. 

1 / 5

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