WWE NXT Level Up – Episode 60 (04.07.2023) (Wrestling Review)


NXT Level Up

Orlando, Florida

April 7th, 2023


Singles Match
Boa vs. Dante Chen

A very basic match. 5 minutes and just not exciting. 

1.5 / 5

Tag Team Match
Jakara Jackson & Lash Legend vs. Dani Palmer & Sol Ruca

A basic match but Ruca is just so insanely good and a pleasure to watch that I don’t mind. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Joe Gacy (w/Ava, Jagger Reid & Rip Fowler) vs. Oro Mensah

Gary winning a solo match here again and no one cares. Crowd didn’t care and compared to first two matches this wasn’t really good. 

1 / 5

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