WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 (Wrestling Review)


Elimination Chamber

St. Louis, Missouri 

Feb. 21st, 2010


WWE Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match
Sheamus (c) vs. Triple H vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase

A fine Elimination Chamber but not the best one by far. The Legacy angle was good here and Kofi got a few good spots in but it was rather tame and bland honestly. The ending wasn’t the best but worked for what came after. 

3 / 5

WWE Heavyweight Title Match
John Cena (c) vs. Batista

More of an angle than a match. 

.5 / 5

WWE Intercontinental Title Match
Drew McIntyre (c) vs. Kane

The crowd wasn’t into this at all and it makes sense. This was a slow and boring match that had nothing going into it. 

1 / 5

Tag Team Match
Gail Kim & Maryse vs. Layla & Michelle McCool

A few cool moves and rolls in a quick match that meant little. 

1 / 5

WWE United States Title Match
The Miz (w/The Big Show) (c) vs. Montel Vontavious Porter (w/Mark Henry)

A fine but pretty boring match. Works as something mid card on Raw or a house show but here it just didn’t do much. The biggest spot didn’t even involve the main guys either. 

1.5 / 5

World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber Match
The Undertaker (c) vs. CM Punk (w/Luke Gallows & Serena) vs. R-Truth vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho vs. John Morrison

A much better chamber match here. The pacing worked well with guys getting eliminated early on. Some great spots with Mysterio and Morrison getting some big moves in. The Jericho spots were good with Taker and the final twist here worked well.  

4 / 5

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