VOW “Lord Of Anarchy 5” (10.16.2021) (Wrestling Review)

Vicious Outcast Wrestling

Lord Of Anarchy 5 

Indianapolis, Indiana

Oct. 16th, 2021



Lord Of Anarchy 5 First Round Heavy Metal Death Match
Alex Colon vs. SHLAK vs. Raven Havok

This for sure had its moments. It was a shame to see all the fans on and yet they never got used. It felt like the pacing here was off a lot though almost as if everything was just being called as it went without any thought before hand. 

2.5 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 First Round Swinging For The Fence Death Match
Dysfunction vs. Bam Sullivan

For some reason this felt like it lasted way too long but that was also due to the slow pace of the match. Between spots the build up time was just way too long and it brought the pacing of the match down so much. Dysfunction and Bam are both guys who know what to do and can do it well but here it was almost like they had no chemistry together and couldn’t get it going. 

1.5 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 First Round Fucking Pricks Death Match
Neil Diamond Cutter vs. JJ Escobar

Another match that just ended up feeling lackluster and uneventful almost. Both men seemed to take it pretty easy compared to normal here and there was just never anything that truly got the match going or moving. 

1.5 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 First Round Killer Surprises Death Match
Mickie Knuckles vs. Remington Rhor

Mickie was the fan favorite here and controlled most the match. A quicker match that moved along nicely with both of them bleeding some. Quick turn of events for the ending though. Wish they could have had even another 5 minutes to feel itself out more. 

3 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 First Round Doorways To Hell Death Match
Sadika vs. Shane Mercer

Mercer just throwing Sadika around like she’s nothing is fantastic. He completely dominated her throughout making her look like she was made of feathers. A really fun bloodbath here. Mercer does deathmatch well and bleeds for it. A bit sloppy in parts due to Mercer almost having to remind Sadika what to do next. Great spots though and a good match between these two. 

4 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 Semi Final Three Way Pits Of Madness Death Match
Shane Mercer vs. SHLAK vs. Raven Havok

A sloppy fun 3 way deathmatch. Seemed like things never truly connected but we got some fun spots from it. Mercers strength tossing around Shlak was impressive. Nothing spectacular though. 

2.5 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 Semi Final Skinned Alive Death Match
Neil Diamond Cutter vs. Bam Sullivan

A pretty quick match here. Its been the constant thing for most these matches so far is that they seem to be on like 10 minute time limits. Neither guy got to do much here and both could of had a barn burner if given the time. 

2 / 5

Lord Of Anarchy 5 Final Light Tube Prison Death Penalty Match
Bam Sullivan vs. SHLAK

A violent and quicker finisher for the tournament. Bam took loads of punishment here but both men had some brutal spots. One moment in particular was sloppy and just bad looking though which hurt this some. Fun end to the tournament though with Bam being a bloody mess. 

3.5 / 5

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