Things That Are NOT Punk: The Dickies frontman goes on misogynistic tirade on stage, Kevin Lyman & more respond

Editor’s note: the band in question’s last date on Warped was the 25th, the same day as the incident in question. Warped founder Kevin Lyman did say “they are no longer on the tour” though.

The Vans Warped Tour is bringing back the “punk” to Warped Tour this year, with TSOL, War On Women, and plenty of others making a big splash on the summer festival. Warped has come under fire in recent years for allowing certain bands with questionable ideals on the tour (accused sexual predator Front Porch Step being the most egregious error, even if it was only for one date), but this year was a sea change for the most part – especially with War On Women promoting inclusion and “safer scenes” in general.

It shouldn’t be too shocking, then, when you view the video below. The vocalist of The Dickies went on a massive tirade against a woman in the audience, and while the context is unclear, it was more than enough to have his words condemned by founder Kevin Lyman, among others. Choice quotes include “I have f*cked farm animals that were prettier than you” and “You’re a fat c*nt”. Classy. And it’s a reminder that using your platform for positive things is what the music scene needs. You can view the video below, as well as a video from War On Women at Warped Tour (joined by Lauren from the band Sharptooth, who are also worth a listen). Even Silent Planet’s Garrett Russell (as well as Warped founder Kevin Lyman) had strong words condemning their actions. It’s important to note that the stage is a platform. You can either use it for powerful and positive change, or not.


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