WWE “Tribute To The Troops 20th Anniversary” (12.17.2022) (Wrestling Review)

WWE Tribute To The Troops Indianapolis, Indiana Dec. 17th, 2022   Singles Match LA Knight vs. Braun Strowman Squash.  .5 / 5 Tag Team Match Emma & Tamina vs. Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler Not really much here. Emma hasn’t done anything since returning and Tamina never does anything. Tamina got some offense in but neither Shayna or Rousey was gonna lose.  2…

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WWF “In Your House : Unforgiven” (04.26.1998) (Wrestling Review)

WWF In Your House : Unforgiven Greensboro, North Carolina April 26th, 1998   Six Man Tag Team Match Faarooq, Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman vs. The Nation (D-Lo Brown, Mark Henry & The Rock) (w/Kama Mustafa) A pretty boring and dragged out match. It had a story going into it and lead to a rivalry happening but this just wasn’t a great match. Crowd…

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WWE Smackdown – Episode 1220 (01.06.2023) (Wrestling Review)

WWE Smackdown Memphis, Tennessee Jan. 6th, 2023   Singles Match Kofi Kingston (w/Xavier Woods) vs. Santos Escobar (w/Cruz Del Toro, Joaquin Wilde & Zelina Vega) Solid singles match between two talented guys. Woods losing doesn’t lower him at all and hopefully this leads to a tag feud between them. The distraction finish feels over used lately though with WWE. 2.5 /…

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