Surprise! Architects debut intriguing new single, “Animals”

It’s been two years since the band released their fan favorite album Holy Hell, and while that album is one they could probably tour (well, support, thanks to the pandemic) on for the next couple years due to its success (the record has over 100 million streams on Spotify alone), it appears the band’s two year cycle of releasing new music is back again. With absolutely no warning at all, UK metalcore band Architects have premiered a new song, “Animals”, and this time, it’s a bit of a departure musically while still retaining familiarity.

Notably, it appears the new song is off a new album from the band due out in 2021. Take this info with a grain of salt, of course. And the song itself? It might throw Architects fans for a loop, but overall it’s still pretty compelling. The band’s electronic influences, in particular, are more prominent here – but even if you’re not into it, remember that it’s unlikely the band’s upcoming record will sound exactly like this song. Either way, it’s nice to hear the band change things up a bit.

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