In The Spotlight: Jake Taylor (In Hearts Wake) Talks USA Debut, Album Artwork


When I found out Byron Bay, Australia metalcore upstarts In Hearts Wake were finally making their debut USA appearance, I was pretty excited. Even better, I was able to see them when they came through Tampa, Florida, and I couldn’t have been much more impressed. They played like a band that’s ready to hit the big time (much like the attention countrymen Northlane and Amity Affliction are receiving in the USA right now), and it was even better to see a horde of fans singing along to every word of their music. There’s many things that are intensely attractive about the band – mainly that they care just as much about their artwork, lyrics, and message, as much as they do about their music.

I was able to talk one-on-one with vocalist Jake Taylor of IHW, where we discussed some important things, like concept albums, their experiences in the USA and Canada so far, and the kind of fan support that’s helped them out so far on this journey. Check it out after the jump, along with their music video for “Divine”.

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