Someone in the Seattle Kraken organization apparently really loves death metal, judging by these logos

Life is (usually) tough for expansion teams in American professional sports. With rare exceptions (the 2018 Vegas Golden Knights stand out), expansion teams generally are terrible. I mean, they’re just starting out anyway – their entire team identity is built off players that made their names on other teams, as well as new draftees.

The Seattle Kraken, while garnering some big time fan support early on (they’re 13th in overall attendance), are following the typical trend of expansion teams. They have played some of the best teams in the NHL tough, of course, and over the last couple weeks have also stockpiled a number of future draft picks to secure said future. It’s a good strategy, as quite often trying to build teams with only veteran and overpriced talent fails spectacularly (remember the Hit Show Tampa Bay Devil Rays? Exactly). Near the bottom of the NHL standings, the franchise’s social media team is really on top of things. Seriously, even if you don’t care about hockey at all (I mean you should, but yeah), their social media team is killing it with meme references, witty puns, and hilarious banter no matter the result. It’s pretty interesting.

It gets better, though. Judging by these new downloadable logos for the Kraken, it’s clear that someone in the Seattle Kraken organization really, really loves death metal. Of course, the font is still too legible – you can clearly see where it says Seattle Kraken and hilariously, Yeet The Fish. But still, this is great. Someone on their social media team is clearly one of us, and we’re here for it.

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