May 13, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Review: Vaalbara – “Beyond A Broken Home”




“Beyond A Broken Home”

Progressive Hardcore

Speechless Records

Release Date: May 24th 2013

Rating: 7/10


Vaalbara is a Progressive Hardcore band hailing from Boulder, Colorado.  They take a very unique approach with the introduction of a Synthesizer into their songs. Their recently released EP features a different take on a seemingly consistent genre of Hardcore.  The song “Dr.ChimRichlands” opens with a heavy operatic sounding synthesizer.  Reminiscent of what you may hear at a production of Phantom of the Opera.  Then it takes a detour, and out of left field comes a 80s synth pop riff that harkens back to the days of Pac-Man.   Then with a one two punch they hit you with heavy “Pantera” style guitars and guttural vocals that sounds like the hells of hounds calling.  Just when you have settled in to your mosh stance a melodic vocal reaches out and grabs your attention.


Their new single “Al Capawned” Kicks your teeth in with screeching horror film sounding guitars followed by the guttural vocals found in the hardcore genre. Then out of nowhere at 1:07 in the song a passionate melodic vocal brings in to sooth the savage beast that has been previously released. They bounce back in forth in an ongoing paradox of melodic vs. guttural vocals.   This is accompanied with heavy, hard machine gun like drumming and the Kruger on the chalk board guitars.


If you’re a fan of hardcore or progressive style metal, this is a band for you. They can hold their own with any German or Swedish black or death metal band on the circuit today. Also, you will be extremely surprised by the acoustic version of “Searching”, which has a 90s alternative rock sound with very melodic vocals. This song is a HUGE departure from the other songs on the EP and could become easily played on any mainstream radio station in Europe or the States. Vaalbara definitely shows up in the talent and originality department , but do to the lack of consistency ( which I would venture to bet is the idea) the EP fails to measure up to the Hardcore standards that most fans of the genre is accustomed to, but give them a listen and decide for yourself.


Brandon S –


New Fury Media