On The Offensive: Is this the worst deathcore song ever made?

The world is full of expertly crafted, well-written music in just about any genre. Countless musicians have huddled in a studio to create magical, highly influential records that will be talked about for decades. Pet Sounds, The Wall, Hybrid Theory – you know, the timeless classics that exact their overarching influence in most aspects of popular culture at large.

Even the most basic music, no matter how critically reviled, takes some kind of skill to create. Take a band like Nickelback, for instance. Before 2017’s surprisingly decent Feed The Machine, they’d been a punching bag for creating ostensibly derivative rock music. Much of that centered on music that took few chances, and lyrics that were often dull and lacked almost anything profound. Yet, they continued to sell records. While Nickelback have people that genuinely despise them, there are plenty more thst buy their records and purchase concert tickets. Clearly, they have a formula that works.

What happens, though, when the music and lyrics are mediocre and lack any substance at all? While I believe there are very few bands and musicians that lack any talent whatsoever, it’s possible to come across some objectively awful, laughable lyrics. Unfortunately, the new From Myth and Legend (no, they’re not an Alesana rip-off, sadly) song hits the metaphorical bulls-eye with “The 4th Wave”. 3 (I mean 4) guesses as to what the lyrics are about. This band makes Theory Of A Deadman’s last record look like modern poetry.

Full stop; the song below is absolutely hilarious. It’s full of lyrical gems like the brilliant “Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fakest fucking cunt of them all?”. Insightful. “Your bitch ass isn’t bulletproof”. Profound. And of course, this incredible line; “Sorry bitch but you ain’t even pretty”. Subtle, and likely mom-approved.

The interesting thing about this song is the lyrics. They literally sound like something your 12-year old brother might use as “insults” on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare XI: Electric Boogaloo. It takes some real talent to write this kind of stuff, it’s uncanny. I think the band has invented an entirely new genre of music. We’ll call it “incel-core”.

From Myth & Legend are essentially an audible form of a cautionary tale for musicians. If your sole purpose is to gain attention by coming across as “edgy”, this isn’t how you do it. “The 4th Wave” is hilarious, but perhaps not in the way FMAL intended – it’s just dumb and completely lacking anything interesting to say. They’ve already created a very niche genre for themselves, so it’s unclear what their endgame is. Of course, if it’s playing to approximately 16 people wearing fedoras every night wearing fedoras, then FMAL are playing their cards right. It’s offensive, sure – offensively terrible, and an insult to anything you’d consider metal. Feel free to browse the lyrics below.

I’ve never heard such childish shit, not coming from the mouth of an adolescent.
Shit, they might be more intelligent.
Quit, you just really fucking hate men, and we never really know if you’re gonna tell truth. All wrongly accused with your fucking victim culture.
Don’t look, don’t speak, don’t greet. Shes screaming at the top of her lungs your objectifying me. So God help me, help me please. Shes cried wolf so many times its become her own creed.

I will not comply be denied of life.
Wonder why you ever thought I’d stand behind the lies.
Living for the 4th wave, the undeserved wave.
The give me what I want cause I fucking want it wave.
Fuck you and fuck what you think you know.
I’m the motherfucker you’ll never own.
No respect for the ones who snake it, break it, take it, but they never wanna claim it.
I will rip you from your throne. Expose you for the fraud you really are.
The Wolves have come to feast so make haste.
Run like the coward you are.
Fucking bitch.

I can’t see how this affects your life.
You are the only guilty fucking swine.
Your claims mean nothing it’s just a dream, that you made up out of hate for everything.
So go cower in your hole of sick disease.
This culture just poisons everything.
You are the ones who long for peace, but that hope is empty every time that you breathe.

Would you let me see all the things that you’ve be trying to say?
We tried to let you have your turn to speak, but the message that you’ve got is coming off weak.
You wont let this go. Your’re starting to come off delusional.
No… Would you let me see?
No… Show me all the things you want me to be.

(Hey, hey! Hold up Edwin, I’ve got some shit to say.) (Edwin: Tell em’ whats up Matt!)
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fakest fucking cunt of them all?
The elite voice of sirens who worship the call. The witches of Salem who want to sacrifice us all.

This world is full of the pathetic.
Always the biggest critic, your words are getting old.
Feminists don’t like you is what I’m told.
Your bitch ass isn’t bulletproof, I promise you this is the truth.

Would you let me see all the things that you’ve be trying to say?
We tried to let you have your turn to speak, but the message that you’ve got is coming off weak.
You wont let this go. Your’re starting to come off delusional.
No… Would you let me see?
No… Show me all the things you want me to be.

I’m getting sicken fucking tired of these fucking 4th Wave feminist trying to come in here an ruin everything for everyone else.

Can you get a clue that no one trust you.
The 4th wave’s nothing but a disgrace.
Stop with the foolish games.
You’re trying to force the blame.
In fact too many.
Sorry bitch but you ain’t even pretty.

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