NXT Level Up – Episode 2 (02.25.2022) (Wrestling Review)

NXT Level Up

Orlando, Florida

Feb. 25th, 2022


Singles Match
James Drake (w/Zack Gibson) vs. Xyon Quinn

Quinn dominates most the match but loses in a roll up. The match was just okay, Quinn has the look and potential to be a force in ring but the outcome here made him look bad while not helping Drake at all. 

1.5 / 5

Singles Match
Sarray vs. Elektra Lopez (w/Joaquin Wilde & Raul Mendoza)

They really didn’t get enough time and the interference didn’t help anyone. It wasn’t dominating enough to be a squash so it just turned out lackluster. 

1.5 / 5

Tag Team Match
Harland & Joe Gacy vs. Jacket Time (Ikemen Jiro & Kushida)

A very bland for formulaic tag match. A little rough at moments too as it never seemed to flow right. Gacy and Harland winning was expected here but it just didn’t do much for anyone. 

2 / 5

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