NWA Powerrr Episode 172 “Back To The Territories: Part 1” (09.03.2024) (Wrestling Review)


Powerrr “Back To The Territories Part 1”

Knoxville, Tennessee

Sept. 3rd, 2024


Non Title Match
Natalia Markova vs. Max The Impaler (w/Father James Mitchell)

The count out rule is stupid given we know a title match is coming. This match wasn’t good and the title match won’t be good either as its happening numerous times now. 

1 / 5

NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title Match
EC3 (c) vs. Colby Corino

A solid match here held together by Colby. EC3 isn’t an exciting champ but I had no doubt he’d retain still. 

2 / 5

NWA World Tag Team Title Match
Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage) (w/Aron Stevens) (c) vs. Knox And Murdoch (Mike Knox & Trevor Murdoch) (w/Eric Smalls)

New tag champs and a decent match but still super similar to every other match Knox and Murdoch has had in months. 

2 / 5

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