NWA Powerrr – Episode 146 (03.05.2024) (Wrestling Review)

NWA Powerrr Tampa, Florida March 5th, 2024   NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title Match Colby Corino (c) vs. Yabo The Clown Yabbo doesn’t do much for me and the comedy falls short. This was generic and short thankfully. At least the set, once again, looks fantastic.  1.5 / 5 Non Title Tag Team Match Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage & Damage) (w/Aron…

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NWA Powerrr – Season 10 Episode 9 (11.08.2022) (Wrestling Review)

NWA Powerrr Nashville, Tennessee Nov. 8th, 2022   Tag Team Match Kamille & KiLynn King vs. The Hex (Allysin Kay & Marti Belle) Quite liked this one. Some good actions and moves here and all 4 women looked good. Quite a fan of Kamille as well.  3.5 / 5 Singles Match Odinson vs. Fodder At 5 minutes this one dragged still. A very generic…

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