Strong : Rivals
Los Angeles, California
March 12th, 2022
Knight here looked great and had some good offense in. Great dropkick to Hikuleo who had a big size difference to him. Hikuleo got the win though in the end with a string of attacks to finish it off. Both men have bright futures ahead.
3.5 / 5
An okay match ruined by an awful finish. Both men had their back and forth going until Davari decided to get a chair and ponder if to use it. It killed the pacing of the match and went on far too long.
2 / 5
A solid match between Swerve and White. Slower than expected with some good with both guys having their time. The ending felt a bit off like they had to change it at the last second. This was a good match though I felt it could have been just a bit better.
3.5 / 5