Let’s Talk Wrestling : NWA Powerrr Surge – Episode 8 (12.21.2021) (Review)


Powerrr Surge

Episode 8 “Holiday Special”

Dec. 21st, 2021



Singles Match
Captain YUMA vs. Fable Jake

A decent but very green match at times. Moves didn’t always connect and looked bad along with Jake almost dropping Yuma at one point. Yuma has one of the worst outfits in wrestling I’ve seen lately. Jake could do well with some more training. This was pretty good given how new these guys seemed. 

2.5 / 5

NWA Television Title #1 Contendership Match
Jaden Roller vs. Rush Freeman

A super short match here. It was fine but neither guy got much time to show off. They looked fine here but it didn’t show off much. Both guys could be good though. 

2.5 / 5

Singles Match
Jay Bradley vs. Diante

A squash match. Bradley controlled it the entire time and looked fine but it was a bland uneventful squash. 

1.5 / 5

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