Let’s Talk Wrestling : ICW No Holds Barred Volume 14 (Review)

ICW No Holds Barred Volume 14


Millville, New Jersey

Gary Jay vs. Shane Mercer – 
Some hard hits at the start but Mercer throwing Gary to the outside and chairs just shows the brute strength Mercer has. Really solid match between the two. A lot of hard hits, Mercer throwing Gary around then putting him through several doors at the end with a great spot. 3.5 / 5
Satu Jinn vs. Mitch Vallen –
Mitch ends up bleeding a ton from his back then takes a gusset to the head and is pouring blood. Satu taking a kenzan then a ddt to a chair has him pouring blood too. Really good match here between the two. Mitch took a crazy amount of punishment here and both men ended as a bloody mess. 4 / 5
Herzog vs. Jeff Cannonball – 
Cannonball has a nasty finger injury at the start where its pouring blood. He takes a load of carpet strip attacks ending with his face covered in blood. Mid match soda review then Cannonball then breaking the bottle to stab Herzog was great. It was a good quick match with Cannonball visibily hurt and aggitated by his finger the entire match. Some really stiff head shots too. 3.5 / 5
Insane Lane vs. Neil Diamond Cutter – 
NDC is such a fast and versatile wrestler and can mix it all into deathmatch wrestling to a perfection. NDC being thrown face first into tubes on a chair was brutal. Putting a gusset into his own so they could light sparklers out of them on their head was just insane looking. This was a brutal bloodbath between Insane Lane and NDC. Both men went all in on this one and Insane Lane at the end of the match just pouring blood on the chains was a great visual. 4 / 5
Bobby Beverly vs. AKIRA – 
For what I thought was an awful start to the match this turned around quickly. This was a bloodbath between the two with Bobby being a bloody mess  through most of it. Both men went through it all and put each other through loads of glass and damage. 4 / 5
ICW American Deathmatch Title Match
John Wayne Murdoch (c) vs. Dan Maff – 
Maff gets busted opened right away with tubes and a thumb tack bat. JWM taking a huge backdrop over the chains through wood and glass was fantastic. JWM pulling a deep south destroyer on Maff to finish was good. This was a bloody quick but solid match. 4 / 5
ICW American Deathmatch Title Match
John Wayne Murdoch (c) vs. Eric Ryan – 
Eric Ryan runs in and starts fighting JWM for another title match. Involving an insane amount of light tubes this match is just all glass between the two of them. With a ref going through glass and the match just turning into chaos between The Rejects and 44OH! this was just one bloody glass filled quick bout. 4/5

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