May 19, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

KAYPER pays homage to Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime”

With a steady stream of championing support from Blonde, Magician, Billon, Grades, The Golden Boy and radio love from from Annie Nightingale, UK-based Kayper shares her new remake of Erykah Badu’s“Next Lifetime”, which comes hot on the heels of her Terminal EP released via Eton Messy Records.

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 “I heard someone playing Erykah Badu’s “Next Lifetime” in their car at the traffic lights while I was driving through Brixton one day and it reminded me of how much I loved that track and her first album which is what inspired me to do my own updated version as a tribute to one of my favorite artists. Hope you enjoy!” Kayper

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