Interview: The Healing

Hot off the release of their debut album ‘Hollow Earth’ Canada’s The Healing are busy taking in all the positive feedback they have received since the release. Being progressive metalcore, fans already know to expect a mixture of harsh and clean vocals, some bouncy riffs and some breakdowns throughout, but the question is: what separates The Healing from their contemporaries? Quite simply, it’s the talent these guys have combined with how well everything is executed. For a debut record, these guys did one hell of a job and definitely need some more recognition, hence why we decided to chat with them. Give them a like on Facebook and pick up the album or some merch on Bandcamp!

Was the writing process for “Hollow Earth” any different than writing for your EP’s?:

The writing process for this album has been pretty similar to the first two albums only more focused. We’ve had a basic understanding of what we wanted from this album so it definitely sped up the entire process. We basically just start off with Joe writing the structure of a song on guitar, and then it’s tossed to Kris to add lyrics and help with structure. Ned and Jason then write their parts for drums and bass respectively. Once everything is finalized we track it and engineer it.

What made you decide to do a full-length as opposed to another EP?

We decided to do a full length because it was the next logical progression for where we were going with the band.

Originally, what made you all want to form a band together?

Joe: When we first came up with the project it was just Kris and I, messing around writing songs as we’ve been in bands together over the years and it was something we both enjoyed. It was never intended to be a performing band per se, but one thing led to another and we decided we’d like to share our music live and thats what led us to finding Ned & Jason through kijiji ironically enough.

What kind of lyrics or themes are on the new album?

‘Hollow Earth’ is a mix of personal, spiritual and political ideas, reflecting on the emptiness, and deception occurring in today’s world.

Who would you say your biggest influences are musically?

Joe: Oceano, Chelsea Grin, As I Lay Dying, It Dies Today, Chris Brown, Ed Sheeran, Post Malone, Killswitch Engage, For the Fallen Dreams.

Kris: Volumes, Periphery, Oceano, Killswitch Engage, It Dies Today, As I Lay Dying, For the Fallen Dreams, Joey Sturgis.

What were some of your most listened to albums while writing and recording the record?

Joe/Kris: Chelsea Grin, Oceano, It Dies Today, The Amity Affliction, Like Moth to Flames, Iconclast.

Ned: I’m constantly listening to tons of different songs and albums but i know that I was listening to the ‘Phantom Anthem’ album by August Burns Red a lot at the time and I still do. ABR has been my favorite band for well over the past decade and their drummer (Matt Greiner) is the reason why I started playing the style that I do and probably most of the reason why I even wanted to be in a band like this in the first place.

Jason: Darude – Sandstorm on repeat.

Who did you work with as a producer?

We produced everything ourselves.

What kind of experience did you have with them?

Since we do it in our own house it is much easier to go back and fix things without needing to schedule a studio session… It can also be a curse because you can edit it forever.

What kind of experience are you having without working with a label?

There’s a lot of work to do but we are quite crafty and are able to produce our own videos, artwork, recordings, promotion, etc.

Is it difficult for self-promotion while trying to deal with everything else in life?

It can be difficult at times because we all work full-time jobs as well but we manage.

If you could tour with any 3 bands, past or present, who would you tour with?

Ned: August Burns Red – because who wouldn’t want to tour with their favorite band?

Kingdom of Giants – I’ve grown a huge liking to this band over the past couple years and I’m still dying to see a live set by them and I listen to their music very often. Touring with them would be unreal.The Northern – One of the main things that makes a big experience as big as it can be is the people you experience it with. I know/am friends with most of this band, I’ve enjoyed a lot of laughs with them and they’re just great people to hang out with. Touring with these boys would likely result in tears pouring from my eyes from laughing so hard for most of the time. That’s a good enough reason for me right there. Oh, and I like their music.

Joe/Kris: I’m open to tour with any band, but past bands I would say It Dies Today, As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage.

Anything you’d like to tell your fans that are anxiously awaiting the release?

Ned: I’ve listened to the songs on this upcoming album over and over and over again for months. I still love every single one but at this point, I’m just excited to see what our fans will think of it because in my personal opinion, I think that there’s a little something in this album for everyone (not literally everyone but you know what I mean). For those who like us for our heaviness, there’s plenty of that to go around throughout the album. Our heaviest so far is brought forward at some point on this album. For those who like us for our mixture of melody, cleans, breakdowns, etc., there’s plenty of that as well. If you ask me, this is the best work Kris has done when it comes to his cleans as well as his screams. I’m also very happy with Joe’s work to make these songs as catchy as they are. And as for Jason, his bass compliments everything very well. Overall, I’m very happy with the outcome of this album and I’m sure that our fans will be as well.
Joe/Kris: We greatly appreciate all of the support given to us throughout the years… We are ever grateful. We can’t  wait for everyone to hear all of the love and hard-work we poured into this album. 

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