Detroit hardcore vets ILLMATIC drop crushing new video “Downfall”

We’ll never be too cool for some good ol’ fashioned beatdown hardcore. Along those lines, we’re 100% stoked about the newest video from Detroit hardcore stalwarts illMatic. Featuring members of rugged hip-hop group Suicide Kings (who we’ve backed since the beginning), the band plays no games with their brand of straightforward but streetwise hardcore, which takes inspiration from the likes of Madball, Downset, Biohazard and Mobb Deep. The riffs are tough, the vocals are mean and the band brings enough precision to their playing to sound professional as fuck while also kicking your ass.

‘This is it, It’s happening right now’- are the words that open the chorus to this mid-tempo groove track, they perfectly describe how we feel about the start of illMatic and our live around the band living and overcoming the horrors of life and the city of Detroit. The song starts in the same way Nas opened his record “IllMatic” back in 1994 as our tribute to that album” 


We’ve got their new video “Downfall” streaming below. Make sure you head over to their Bandcamp to check out their full catalogue and new merch!



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