Hot Mulligan reference Tony Hawk’s Underground villain Eric Sparrow in catchy new song

Hot Mulligan are dropping the summer anthem you need with their new single “End Eric Sparrow and the Life of Him”. As one of the genre’s hottest acts with a massively rapid growing fan base, this song solidifies the band’s place as a headline act in the genre, with their catchy hooks and lyrics to scream your heart out for.

Lead singer Tades Sanville explains his thoughts on the song below:


“Eric Sparrow beat everyone’s ass in Tony Hawk, and this is what he has wrought. I am not a frontman but have been shoehorned into that role. Interviews where they ask the same questions over and over, strangers running up and touching me at shows, and tons of people dissecting everything they hear me say. Trading tight-knit local scenes for plastic and profiteers. I think a lot of the time that it would be better if my body stayed and didn’t think about it and enjoyed the limelight. Then the part that thinks and gets sad can just disappear. But then who can write?”

US Festival Dates

August 24 – Philadelphia, PA – Loneliest Place on Earth

September 7 – Cincinnati, OH – Ohio is for Lovers

September 20-22 – Bridgeview, IL – Riot Fest

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