Film Review: Wrath Of Man (2021)

With Jason Statham reuniting with Guy Ritchie, the man who single handedly helped launch Statham into becoming one of actions biggest stars, one would hope they would be able to rekindle the fire they once had. Sadly though this came across as a generic, uninspired, yet fully functioning crime thriller.

Following H, a new hire for a cash pick up armor truck service we follow through his mysterious ways but when a heist on their rental truck ends in H swiftly killing all robbers with ease we soon learn that there may be other reasons behind H working there. The story itself plots itself around one event and the results following and leading to it. We are shown things from nearly everyones perspective getting to see the scene from all viewpoints involved.

What doesn’t entirely work is that despite the frantic pace the first half of the film jumps through, the second half somewhat falls apart. We are given so much, from so many sides during this movie, that some parts are just left off and forgotten. Said second half as well starts to drag also as we are given more angles of the film some of which we could of done without. By the second half the film has wrapped itself up to where between the basic story telling and previews shown you know exactly how its going to end and it is completely unsatisfying.

Overall while the movie doesn’t particularly do much wrong, it feels like someone trying to make a Guy Ritchie film going only what someone has told him a Richie film does. The acting, action, dialog all just falls flat, which is upsetting since everyone attached to and in the movie is just capable of so much more.

Score : 5/10

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