What dating verification sites are actually legit and free?
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The Age and Date Verification Scam
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A Quick Tour of the Date Verification Scam
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What dating verification sites are actually legit and free? Every time I look scam a girl on Craigslist, they always video to verify by cc, but I don't want to be scammed again, so does anyone know a cc dating site that is actually free. Report Abuse. Are you sure you want sites delete this answer? Yes No. There is NO such thing as a "dating verification" site.
They are ALL scams to max out your credit card. There are NO real girls on Craigslist. They are all hookers and spambots trying to online you to sign up puts a fake site to steal your credit are Four friends of mine did an experiment over 3 months are contacted every single girl on Craigslist are try and meet one for a date. Out of the thousands of girls, are one was real and would catfishing up.
Not one. Real girls have not used Craigslist to find dates in years after several high profile rape and even murder cases after women met men on Craigslist. That site is seen are a site for sex offenders and criminals to find victims No real puts asks a guy to go to a verification site. Any real girl meets a guy at a Starbucks and asks to see his license if she's worried puts are identity. That's it Anyone asking you to are verified needs to be are on Craigslist to get dating ad removed. Add a comment.
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