Impact Wrestling Against All Odds 2023 (Wrestling Review)

Impact Wrestling Against All Odds Columbus, Ohio June 9th, 2023   Singles Match Nevaeh vs. KiLynn King (w/Taylor Wilde) Decent opening match. Both women looked fine and at 5 minutes it didn’t drag.  2 / 5 Impact Digital Media Title Match Joe Hendry (c) vs. Dirty Dango Dango just feels off, like he isn’t really doing much of anything. This was…

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Impact Wrestling/NJPW “Multiverse United 2 – For Whom The Bell Tolls” (08.20.2023) (Wrestling Review)

Impact Wrestling / NJPW Multiverse United 2 – For Whom The Bell Tolls Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  Aug. 20th, 2023   Scramble Match Chris Sabin vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. BUSHI vs. Rich Swann vs. El Desperado vs. YOH vs. MAO vs. Kevin Knight This was a large quick 8 man scramble. A lot of spots and non stop action but nothing too deep.  3.5 / 5 Tag Team Match Eddie Edwards & Moose vs. TMDK (Shane…

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Impact Wrestling Slammiversary 2023 (Wrestling Review)

Impact Wrestling Slammiversary  Ontario, Canada July 15th, 2023   Ultimate X Match Jonathan Gresham vs. KUSHIDA vs. Mike Bailey vs. Jake Something vs. Alan Angels vs. Kevin Knight This was a fine Ultimate X match but no where near the best. It was quicker than expected and for everyone focusing on Jake Something so much I never once thought he was a credible threat to…

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