This Day In Music History: July 13th, 2004 – Zao conceptualizes with ‘The Funeral Of God’

After releasing a string of genre-defining classics from the mid ’90s to the early 2000s, West Virginian metallic hardcore act Zao had endured several different lineup changes, eventually culminating in the loss of their final remaining original member, Jesse Smith. Yet where other bands would call it quits, Zao decided to reconvene with a new…

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This Day In Music History: July 12th, 2010 – Devil Sold His Soul rolls with post-metalcore epic ‘Blessed & Cursed’

There are plenty of bands that fly well under the radar, and while the notion of musicians or artists in general deserving attention is a tenuous one, the fact is that there are plenty of artists and musicians who never quite get the accolades they have worked for. Perhaps it’s due to bad timing, misfortune,…

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