Cannibal Corpse’s Thirteenth Album : “A Skeletal Domain”

CC skeletal


Information on Cannibal Corpse’s future effort has been reportedly leaked.

Cannibal Corpse has been talking lately about a new record and looks like fans might get one this year. The cover-art (pictured above and which looks killer by the way) along with the title, “A Skeletal Domain”, and track-listing has been reportedly leaked.

The album art does look slightly different to me than previous Cannibal efforts but isn’t poor in any way. Track-listing is brutal as always with your classic Cannibal Corpse imagery in titles such as “Icepick Lobotomy” and “Asphyxiate to Resuscitate”. The full track-listing is:

1. “High Velocity Impact Spatter”

2. “Sadistic Embodiment”

3.  “Kill or Become”

4. “A Skeletal Domain”

5. “Headlong Into Carnage”

6. “The Murderer’s Pact”

7.  “Funeral Cremation”

8. “Icepick Lobotomy”

9. “Vector of Cruelty”

10. “Bloodstained Cement”

11. “Asphyxiate to Resuscitate”

12. “Hollowed Bodies”

We also know that Cannibal Corpse has chosen to NOT work again with producer Erik Rutan like they did for recent albums and instead are working with producer Mark Lewis.

“A Skeletal Domain” is rumored to be released in mid-September on September 16th. However, this is not officially confirmed. Are you ready for the next release from these death metal legends?

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