Breaking Scene Media

Emerging Death Metal band Spasmophiliaque discusses their Debut Album and Individual Style

Spasmophiliaque is comprised of a unique blend of technicality and ruthless musicianship. They form a chaotic atmosphere that is distinctive and will draw the listener in. This band is a two-piece, with mastermind Chuck Shredinluc behind all of the instrumentals and production, and his wife Kim Shredinluc releasing some of the most belligerent gutturals in…

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Interview: Amia Venera Landscape

Amia Venera Landscape has a sound on 2010’s “The Long Procession” that can only be described as massive. Though it’s been 3+ years since that full-length debut, the band is making waves around the metal world with their claustrophobic post-metal sound, which combines aspects of bands as diverse as Neurosis, Underoath, and Alexisonfire to create something truly…

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