Interview: Animal Sun’s Steven Blake on “Chasing Shadows”, revamping old songs

One of my more delightful new finds has been Animal Sun, an indie band out of LA that has honed their sound into something unique. A little Postal Service here, some Muse there, and with some serious production value, this project is a shoe-in to be put on repeat. We spoke with vocalist Steven Blake on the band’s journey and what’s in store:

New Fury Media: You teamed up with Kenny Carkeet for your new single “CHASING SHADOWS”, what was it like to work with him?

Steven Blake: Working with Kenny has always been amazing. We started working together for one of the tracks on the last album and it became quickly clear we needed to work more extensively on this next project together. We truly feel we are entering a different level for our band and could not be more excited for the future.

New Fury: You’ve amassed 100k monthly listeners on Spotify – congrats! What’s it feel like to get an achievement like this?

Steven: We try really hard not to focus on numbers because that goal is always changing. The moment we hit it we had a brief celebration and now we’re looking towards adding another zero. It is best to always stay present and remain grounded because the goal post will always move. Which is ironic because the entire theme of our sophomore album is based around the idea of always waiting for the next thing to come your way.

New Fury: An album in 2021 and another on the way in 2022 means you’ve been busy – how have you managed to be so productive?

Steven: Sheer determination. We want this band to reach a level many still don’t believe as possible. We plan on proving them wrong this year.

New Fury: I saw you pulled some songs to be released later in higher quality – that’s a tough decision, what do you have in mind to improve these songs?

Steven: Our band found our sound in 2019 when we first moved to Los Angeles with the release of “girl in blue”. However through meeting several people working within the industry we sort of lost our way and released a bunch of stuff that we didn’t feel like was our band. The songs we pulled were during that time and it wasn’t until we released our debut album ‘echoes of a dream’ that we found ourselves. If we’re going to re-release these songs we need to make sure they hold the proper integrity we align ourselves with as a band.

New Fury: How great does it feel to get back to touring?

Steven: Incredible. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we’ve reached this level but we could not be more grateful to be given the opportunity and cannot wait to meet all of our fans out on the road this spring opening for Kelsy Karter!

Animal Sun may be on the newer side, but I doubt this is the last you’ll hear of them – check out their 2021 release echoes of a dream below:

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