Greensboro, North Carolina
March 3rd, 2024
This was a multi man match where even though everyone got their spots in it just felt uneventful and lackluster.
2.5 / 5
This was fine but felt like a glorified TV match. Hart losing while being Champ was odd though.
2.5 / 5
This was okay but went a little long. The interference got old quickly and Garcia losing was expected but Christian as always shines.
2.75 / 5
A really good match that showed both guys strengths. Kingston got his come back from behind win here and feel good story between two guys who are loving the fight.
3.5 / 5
Wardlow winning works given his promos but this was sort of a mess. Felt like too much happening but nothing of importance happening really.
2.5 / 5
Cassidy being beaten down over the long period of being champ was a fine story but his time has come for a break and the title to go elsewhere. Strong, while boring as dust, can have great matches with most so I don’t see his title run being super long but its fine.
3 / 5
As expected a complete action packed tag match. More violent and bloody than expected and BCC going over wasn’t shocking but these 4 proved why they are some of the best tag guys out there.
4.5 / 5
This was fine. The distraction finish was expected as I didn’t see Storm losing (I predict that’ll happen when May turns on her) and Deonna can go do something else now.
3 / 5
An amazing debut for Ospreay as a full time signee and a clear showcase for Takeshita. All spots and hard hits here with insane moves and this was a masterclass session of it.
4.75 / 5
A really good 3 way dance for the belt. Joe retaining makes sense as the Hangman / Swerve story isn’t done yet and this shows just how unhinged Hangman has become. Swerve will end up with the belt eventually anyway.
4 / 5
A perfect send off for the greatest wrestler of all time (my personal favorite). From the video to start the match, his kids being in it, Flair and Steamboat, and all the insane spots, I just loved it. Sure it was less a normal match and more of a brawl deathmatch spot fest but it worked great. Darby going through the glass was insane and Sting using a pane of glass was even more insane to see. A great match and them retaining to forfeit the belts is a great end to his career.
5 / 5