Exclusive EP Review: Adelleda “Love Has Left Me”

New Mexican hardcore group Adelleda dropped their 2nd EP today entitled “Love Has Left Me” for FREE via Bandcamp.


The first song, “Anchorage”, wastes no time in picking up the pace, kicking in quickly with a very fast tempo, which is maintained sucessfully throughout most of the album. Vocalist Louis Bandy has an immence range which he proves more and more with each song having a slightly different vocal style. In “Anchorage” and “Autumn Leaves” the vocals are notably more intense and anger-driven than the other songs, since those two songs are notablely the more fast paced and angry on the EP, the vocal style fits perfectly. I’d have to say one of the stand-out qualities of this EP is the last song, Greater. Instrumentally, “Greater” is a much more melodic, some may even call it progressive, style of song with intricate riffs and melodies, as well as the token hardcore breakdown-chug style of guitarwork makinga couple appreances, but only rarely and in places where it fits perfectly. The song is different from the rest not just instrumentally, but lyrically it is much more of a personal song to Bandy, who changes his vocal style, sounding a lot like Brendan Murpheys of Counterparts making the song sound even more emotional. Also, one cannot help but notice the presense of the second song on the EP, an extremely well played out instrumental, Regress/Stagnant.

All in all, I’d have to give “Love Has Left Me” an 8 out of 10 and would recommend this album to any fans of melodic hardcore along the lines of Counterparts/Worthwhile, as well as anyone wanting a change of page from your average hardcore band, this is definitely not a EP to sleep on.

Free download of “Love Has Left Me”:

Adelleda’s facebook:

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