WWE NXT Level Up – Episode 45 (12.23.2022) (Wrestling Review)


NXT Level Up

Orlando, Florida

Dec. 23rd, 2022


Singles Match
Charlie Dempsey vs. Myles Borne

A very old school type match here. A lot of ground and mat wrestling between these two. They kept it very much on the slower side here and it worked well mostly. 

3 / 5

Singles Match
Sol Ruca vs. Dani Palmer

Ruca and her finisher here are super over. She did it in another way here and she just shows so much potential. 

2 / 5

Singles Match
Trick Williams vs. Hank Walker

This felt like more a big man match without either guy being that normal big man match. It also felt slow and sluggish though. 

1 / 5

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