Circle 6
Los Angeles, California
March 19th, 2022
A decent opening match. Never felt like it really caught on to any flow though or that the crowd was super behind it. RSP can go in ring and Daniels held his own here as a vet.
3 / 5
A super slow boring match. It moved along at a snails pace mostly and neither men seemed to be great in ring and the crowd never cared. Ending it in a DQ only made it even worse.
.5 / 5
The Conglomerate came off here looking really good. The moments in the match where the pace was going strong were pretty solid but outside of that it just came in too slow at times. 44OH also came off looking like a comedy group with Eddy and Iron here which is so far off from what they are.
2 / 5
A pretty short and awful match. Juicy can barely move and the finishing spot with his going off the middle turnbuckle looked awful.
.5 / 5
Some really good spots here thanks to Crist. Good back and forth in some moments but it also dragged a bit. Thankfully the crowd actually was into this one and it had some close falls.
3 / 5
A solid hard hitting match. The venue being super dark made it hard to see when not in ring so that wasn’t great. The entire show has been darker. Both men though are over and can do great matches and it shows. The downtime though at times hurt the match and pacing.
3 / 5
A really quick hardcore / deathmatch. A few hard hitting spots with Shlak but really generic almost. Shlak no selling a glass pane is completely in line for Shlak as well.
2.5 / 5
The old guard vs the new guard. This was solid but just never great. Both men bled a bunch and had some good spots but it just always felt like it was moving just a little slow. Add in that for some reason even though as a deathmatch they still had count out rules applying at one point and that just made no sense.
2.5 / 5