Freelance Underground
Phase In #4
Itasca, IL
The Philly Marino Experience (Marino Tenaglia & Philly Collins) vs. The Bang Bros (August Matthews & Davey Bang)
Decent tag match. Bang Bros had a good hot tag as well as some good tag moves together, good flow, and both men show some promise. The Philly Marino Express didn’t carry the same flow though that Bang Bros did and both teams did have some moves that either didn’t connect right or sort of fell through. 2 / 5
GPA vs. Blair Onyx
GPA is just so boring in ring it seems no matter what I see him in. Blair here while flexible comes off as bland with a style super commonly seen. Moves didn’t ever really seem to flow great and keep a solid pace and with GPA finishing the match in a quick roll up it just never shined throughout the 10+ minutes it went. 1 / 5
Kylie Rae vs. Lee Moriarty
A slower more technical based match between the two. It never took itself that serious with a lot of playing and laughing to start it off. Kylie dumping snacks in the ring too was just sort of too playful. Some moves it seemed as well almost looked like they were slowed down so the other person could catch up and it never seemed to keep any flow going throughout. 2.5 / 5