May 2, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Interview – Philip “Moon” Sneed of Greek Fire

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-First off: let the people know who are you and what you do in Greek Fire. 
I’m Moon and I sing and play a little guitar and keys with Greek Fire and Goldfinger

-From taking a multi year back to coming back with the ORIENTATION EP (which is full of what could be considered stadium jams) – what was it like jumping back into things? I can’t say it’s every day that you see a band come back like that and release such a strong album and instantly draw back old and new fans so quickly. 
We’ve been sitting on a bunch of music for some time we just want to always be sure the timing is right. It would have been easy and probably good to put more music out the last couple years when we’d complete it but for one reason or another we just weren’t ready to as a band. Our fanbase is so good to us, so loyal and they trust us. They trust that we’ll release music when it’s best and that was a big part of the timing of ORIENTATION. Some of our favorite songs are on this release and it’s a reintroduction to those that know the band but hadn’t heard much from us recently. It’s fun, high energy music with lyrics exploring release and junctions in life. Our next record is right around the corner and this sets it up perfectly and gives our best and oldest fans exactly what they’ve been asking for.
-How has the process of writing lyrics been? Is there a difference in your style between before and after coming back?
Pretty similar as the lyrics for everything I’ve done over the years actually. There’s never really been one process for me. Some times lyrics come in the form of poems or stories or notes that I then put to existing music and other times I’ll have one line and try and form music around it. It’s exciting actually to sort of rotate the approaches and try and more finely tune those skills.
-Do you feel the lyrics or the tone/rhythm of a song is more important? Would you ever sacrifice one for the other in a song?
The feeling the listener gets is ultimately the most important but the lyrics should be a key factor in that. In rare cases I think you can or should be able to get away with silly lyrics but my overall philosophy revolves around good content in the language being shared between the singer and the singing audience. Rhythm is there to move people’s bodies and good lyrics should guide people’s minds to move.
-Were you at all shocked by the high praise you’ve received for the ORIENTATION EP?
We are so fortunate to live in a time where we get to make music and have it potentially heard by the world. Any compliments or good reviews are icing on the cake of a good life. We love what we do and the music we make so sharing that with people that like the same thing is the ultimate high. It’s global fellowship with friends.
-You have another new album coming in 2019, will that be a similar style? How did the making of that album go?
The making of BROKEN which comes out in 2019 was very different than ORIENTATION and is a different record all together. The vibe and even use of instruments is completely different. We’ve had a different approach with each record we’ve made and that’s very intentional. Originally it was to be entitled FOUND and follow up to our previous EP “LOST.” But when tracking vocals things just weren’t lining up to make that concept make sense. To make a long story short, some of the songs for FOUND were turning into a completely different sound that represented more of a heartache tone…so I went with it and we added a record to what’s now a trilogy.
-Can fans expect to see you on the road a lot in 2019?
That’s the plan and a big part of this band. The live show is pure ENERGY and so much fun. Don’t miss it.
-Are there places or festivals that are still on the bucket list?
We are really looking forward to returning to Japan and would love to do more of Asia! We also have a good fanbase in Australia but have yet to get there with this band. We just love playing. Huge festivals or tiny bars, it’s the same energetic performance.
-Instead of naming your favorite city to play in, what would you say is a city that just didn’t live up to the expectations you had for it? 
We have that “find the best in everything” sort of philosophy so I honestly can’t think of too many experiences I didn’t enjoy while playing music for people.
-Before I let you go I just want to thank you for the time. Is there anything else you’d like to say to fans reading this?
Just wanna say thanks to you and everyone that gives the band a listen. Throw it in your playlists and see where it takes you. Be sure and check out the videos and how they tie in to the songs and themes. Keep supporting music all over the world!
New Fury Media