May 3, 2024

New Fury Media

Music. Gaming. Nostalgia. Culture.

Album Review: Bloody Hammers – “Under Satan’s Sun”


“Did you ever think, when the hearse rolls by, that someday you are going to die?” That’s the opening line, reminiscent of a creepy children’s rhyme, to Bloody Hammers’ Under Satan’s Sun. The album has a pure rock and roll sound with a dark twist of horror told through the rich voice and artistic storytelling fashion which Anders Manga is known for.

The opening track, “The Town That Dreaded Sundown,” will immediately pull you in with its full sound set at a gloomy pace that is accompanied by Anders hauntingly telling the legend of a killer in a small town who was never caught. The band released the video and you can watch it here:

The album picks up speed with the second track, “Spearfinger,” which tells the tale of a Cherokee legend, who is made of stone and has a sharp finger on her right hand, which she uses to cut her victims open and eat their livers. The song is as aggressive as the storyline and well-balanced with catchy melodies that will be stuck in your head from the first listen.

Half way through the album is my favorite track, “Second Coming.” While it is not based on a legend with a horrific past, it is a very well-written blend of beautiful melodies and driving rhythms.

The perfectly timed pace of each song leads to a satisfyingly crushing closing track, “The Necromancer.” It is easily one of the heaviest tracks on the album with no shortage of pure aggression.

Under Satan’s Sun is a well-rounded album that transcends the time of Rock and Roll. Bloody Hammers have captured the feel of a classic horror film and thrown in modern elements to create this monstrous masterpiece.

The album is set to release on May 30th. You can find more info on the band’s website and their facebook page.

My Rating: 9.5/10!

New Fury Media