WWE Smackdown – Episode 1241 (06.02.2023)

WWE Smackdown Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania  June 2nd, 2023   Six Man Tag Team Match Austin Theory & Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince & Kit Wilson) vs. The Brawling Brutes (Butch, Ridge Holland & Sheamus) This got way too much time honestly. Pretty Deadly are still just a joke tag team. Brutes need to win something important and Sheamus / Austin I hope is over. It was a…

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Some snowflakes are *just* now finding out Pearl Jam is a band who speaks out about politically-oriented causes

Pearl Jam is one of the best-selling rock bands in history, with their debut album Ten being a grunge cornerstone and sophomore album Vs. being one of the fastest-selling records of all time. They’ve maintained their fanbase over the years despite changing musical climates and a shifting sound, and have never shied away from speaking…

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