Nik Nocturnal + From Ashes To New’s Danny Case team up for heavy cover of Linkin Park’s “One Step Closer”

Does YouTube music personality and musician Nik Nocturnal ever sleep? Between his myriad number of covers (often released right after a band drops them initially) and constant collaboration and reaction videos, we’re guessing the answer is: “not much”. The same can probably be said about the members of From Ashes To New, who are constantly…

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WWE Smackdown – Episode 1224 (02.03.2023) (Wrestling Review)

WWE Smackdown Greenville, South Carolina Feb. 3rd, 2023   WWE SmackDown Tag Team Title #1 Contendership Tournament Final Match Braun Strowman & Ricochet vs. Imperium (Giovanni Vinci & Ludwig Kaiser) (w/Gunther)  An odd tournament thank god finally comes to an end. Ricochet and Strowman are fun together as a tag but I just don’t see them being a force against the Usos. Especially…

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MLW Fusion – Episode 165 (02.02.2023) (Wrestling Review)

MLW Fusion Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Feb. 2nd, 2023   Tag Team Match The FBI (Little Guido & Ray Jaz) vs. Samoan Swat Team (Juicy Finau & Lance Anoa’i) Pretty much a 2 minute squash.  .5 / 5 Singles Match Vinny Pacifico vs. Dr. Dax  Dr. Dax is slow and sluggish with his kick move looking horrendous. A terrible 2 minute match.  .5 / 5 Six…

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