Interview: ReVerbed


I got the chance to talk to ReVerbed, an Aggressive Pop Punk band from the UK made up of George, Zoe, Josh, and Joe.

Taking influence from Rise Against, Sum 41, and many others, ReVerbed deliver upbeat pop blended with a raw punk sound. The mix of vocal styles offers a very full sound which is accompanied by great instrumentation in every song.

Here’s what they had to say:

You released This Machine in 2013, is there anything you did differently than when you wrote Lies You Can Believe? 

Very different! We recorded it all ourselves over the space of about a year, it’s the first time we’ve not been in a studio to record, it was great experience and one we’d love to continue. It had been over 2 years since we wrote and recorded ‘Lies..’ and we’ve gone through so much in that time, we’d left school, gone to university, moved out, been in relationships, but mainly we have grown up and we’ve learnt a lot.

What was your favorite song to record for This Machine?

I think we all had fun recording ‘A Nice Day in Hell’. It’s our angriest and most energetic song so we all put everything into it, it’s also lyrically honest and didn’t hold back. We always have fun playing it live too.

Is there a song you find more personal than the rest?

For me I think ‘Pieces’ is very personal, it’s another very honest song from us, it was written in the aftermath of a full UK tour, which was such a bitter/sweet time. We missed being on the road with each other and playing shows, but we were also so glad to be back home with our loved ones again. The song is about being on the road with your best friends but also being away from the others you love the most.

You have played A LOT of shows in the past. Is there a song you are tired of playing?

Not really haha. We mainly play songs from ‘This Machine’ now so those songs are still fairly new for us and to be honest we just love playing and performing so much.

WIth all of the vocalists simultaneously playing an instrument, which song is the most difficult to play live? 

I think just because of the pace ‘Shine a Light’ is our most energy consuming song. If I’m not sweating before this song in our set I definitely am afterwards!

What are the favorite bands of each member? 

Tough question for us all but if we had to chose

Josh (Drums & Vocals) is ‘Red Hot Chili Peppers’

George (Vocals & Guitar) is ‘Blink-182’

Joe (Bass) is ‘Sum 41’

Zoe (Vocals & Guitar) is ‘Lifehouse’

If you could only eat one thing every day while on tour, what would it be?

Pizza, we all love pizza and although it is stereotypically pop-punk we have a lot of it!

Have you already started working on another album?

We have some material written already! We’re planning on recording over the Summer and releasing towards the end of the year.

For the next album is there anything you guys want to do differently?

As ‘This Machine’ was the first time we self recorded we learnt a lot of new stuff and techniques, which we want to put in to practice this time. We now understand a lot more too so the process should be a lot quicker and easier.

Do you guys have any plans for an upcoming tour?

We’re touring over the Summer, got some great shows planned, including Guil Fest on the same stage as Gnarwolves, Gallows & Feed the Rhino, which we’re so stoked for!

Thank you so much for answering our questions! Is there anything else you would like to say?

Thank you for talking to us, you can keep track of our shows and updates on all our social networking sites;

ReVerbed’s latest release, This Machine, is available via Spotify, iTunes, and their website. 

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